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This project has been boiling in my mind for several years. I've noticed in so many occasions how exciting and challenging innovation efforts can be. I heard in so many events about the customer, hero's Innovators journey, but often it was just a sequence of activities - technical tasks.

Innovation is a full blown drama, because like life. Creativity is not jest technical, is emotional, whether we admit it or not.

Photo by bantersnaps on Unsplash

To understand and learn creativity, we need to observe it and feel it. So, the drama is an active component of transformation in any setting. And it will shape and form the results as nature does.

Exploring the sources of drama in innovation and acknowledging its impact is part of the learning, mastering, skill building, and competency creation related to innovation development and management.

To compete (or even survive) in a fast-changing, world. We must observe the drama, be ready the play in it and learn from it. The faster we do it, the better our creativity and innovation impact will be.

To compete (or even survive) in a fast-changing, world. We must observe the drama, be ready the play in it and learn from it. The faster we do it, the better our creativity and innovation impact will be.

Failure to deal with the drama will turn our efforts into comedies, a series of melodramas, or even a tragedy. But the ancient Greeks already knew that.

Read the innovators drama and enjoy the play instead of living the suspense.

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